- bracket creep
- движение разряда (переход человека в новый налоговый разряд с более высокой ставкой подоходного налога по мере повышения доходов)
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
bracket creep — ☆ bracket creep n. Informal an advance into a higher income tax bracket resulting from an increase in nominal income: the higher taxes, when combined with the effects of inflation, may produce a decline in real income … English World dictionary
bracket creep — The gradual movement into higher tax brackets when incomes increase as a result of inflation. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * bracket creep ˈbracket ˌcreep noun [uncountable] when people earn more money, move to a higher tax bracket, and pay … Financial and business terms
bracket creep — /ˈbrækət krip/ (say brakuht kreep) noun the gradual shift, as a result of inflation, of an income subject to a progressive income tax, from one tax bracket to another where more tax is paid despite the real level of the income (its purchasing… …
bracket creep — The tendency of inflation to push people into higher tax brackets. ► “There was a huge but unlegislated hike in effective marginal tax rates in 1970– 1980. This was because of bracket creep the collision of inflation with a steeply progressive… … American business jargon
bracket-creep — brackˈet creep noun An inflationary phenomenon whereby a salary rise makes a taxpayer less well off by pushing him or her into a higher tax bracket • • • Main Entry: ↑bracket … Useful english dictionary
bracket creep — brack′et creep n. bus the movement of a wage earner into a higher federal income tax bracket as a result of wage increases intended to help offset inflation … From formal English to slang
bracket creep — noun Date: 1978 movement into a higher tax bracket as a result of income rises intended to offset the effects of inflation … New Collegiate Dictionary
bracket creep — the gradual movement of a wage earner into a higher federal income tax bracket as a result of wage increases intended to help offset inflation. * * * … Universalium
bracket creep — noun a movement into a higher tax bracket as taxable income increases • Hypernyms: ↑income tax … Useful english dictionary
bracket creep — noun Increased taxation arising from wage and salary increases pushing taxpayers into higher tax brackets, or further into such brackets, in a progressive taxation system. The wage rises here are those from keeping pace with inflation or similar… … Wiktionary
Bracket Creep — A situation where inflation pushes income into higher tax brackets. The result is an increase in income taxes but no increase in real purchasing power. This is a problem during periods of high inflation as income tax codes typically take a longer … Investment dictionary